GitHub Auth

First, you'll need to create a GitHub OAuth app for your organisation.

Creating a GitHub OAuth app

From GitHub, click on your profile picture and chose "Settings":

Step 1

Then "Developer settings" from the left-hand menu:

Step 2

Then "OAuth Apps":

Step 3

And create a new OAuth app:

Step 4

Give it a name, and a homepage URL. The authorization callback is the important bit. It needs to be in this form:


Step 5

Once you create, keep a note of the Client ID:

Step 6

And then generate a new client secret, and save it somewhere secure (we'll use it in a bit):

Step 7

Connect your Nx Cloud installation to your OAuth App

Provide the following env variables to the nx-cloud-api container:


If you are running Nx Cloud as a single container, the two env vars should be provisioned for that container.

GitHub Enterprise

If you are running an on-premise version of GitHub (Enterprise Server), you will need to configure one additional environment variable:


This will point all auth endpoints to your GitHub server (rather the public one).